Thank You for Taking Action!

Your Voice Matters!

Thank you for standing up for fair healthcare pricing and taking the time to send a letter to your member of Congress. Your efforts are making a difference and helping to bring attention to this important issue.

What’s Next?

  1. Spread the Word: Share your commitment on social media and encourage others to join the cause. Use the hashtag #SameServiceSamePrice to raise awareness.
  2. Engage Further: Consider reaching out to your local representatives, friends, and family members to discuss the impact of unfair healthcare pricing.

Stay Up to Date

This fall, Congress is considering bipartisan solutions to improve health care price transparency and protect families from being charged more for the same service. Explore the latest resources from our campaign and learn more about federal proposals on our resources page.

Contact the Same Service, Same Price Campaign

Questions? Have a Story to Share? Contact us at